SKINNERS -  Revolutionary Ultraportable Footwear

The ultimate pocket footwear for all your adventures. Minimalist. Anti-odor. Durable. Awesome.


SKINNERS - Broken Glass Test


SKINNERS - The Lego Test


TRAVELLING – That 10-hour flight or bus ride can be tough on your feet – trapped in shoes simply because you can’t take them off due to the cold, dirty ground or embarrassing odor.


RUNNING, ATHLETICS – Enrich your training on natural or soft surfaces and activate all your foot muscles and tendons. Skinners simulates the barefoot experience and forces your feet to adapt to the terrain. A strong athlete starts with strong feet.


ROLLER BLADING – Getting to the bike path, descending hills or getting over other obstacles in the way can be tough. But who wants to spend the whole ride with a sweaty back from carrying their spare shoes around?


Socks or Shoes?   Neither. Meet Skinners

To enhance our performance, move faster and go farther, man has invented a lot of special kinds of footwear: rollerblades, cycling shoes, cleats, climbing shoes, heavy-duty hiking boots etc. But all too often this footwear is so specialized that we are forced to sacrifice on comfort, convenience, and even safety. To overcome the limits, where footwear starts to be a burden rather than a benefit, we developed Skinners – ultraportable footwear for every adventure.


What is it good for?


FITNESS, YOGA – Socks, flip-flops, running shoes. Skinners disrupt this trinity of gym footwear and combine the advantages of each – the freedom of a sock, the great grip and the basic protection of shoes.


CAMPING, HIKING – Those 4-pounds boots got the job done on that 20-mile hike but now it’s time to take off those heavy casts and give your feet a rest. Skinners let you move around the campground without getting dirty, wet or stung.


OFFICE – We love your fashionable high-heels and Oxfords :). But usually 6 hours out of 8 at the air-conditioned office you are hiding them under the desk. And to be honest, because of comfort it's possible they end up next to your cold, dirty ground touching feet. Don't risk getting cold and tune up your work performance with Skinners! 


SIMPLY ANYWHERE… take Skinners on your next walk with your dog, use them around the house or just at home. Take them to a beach-volleyball game, slackline, yoga session or wherever you want. The possibilities are endless…


You can currently purchase SKINNERS on their website.

They average $55 a pair and have an estimated Shipping date of June 2017