SID - The Next Revolution in 3D Storytelling
At last, shake-free 3D content creation that's easy and affordable for EVERYONE! Weeview's SID offers the BEST immersive and stereoscopic viewing experience. Don’t just record the special memories, start re-living the experience in unbelievable life-like 3D format.
Stereoscopic 3D
Stereoscopic 3D cameras are bulky for a reason, the physical limitation between the two lenses in mimicking the human eye. With our patented digital video calibration, SID brakes all the rules and has made the form factor so small it fits in the palm of your hand.

3D + Live Streaming
With video as the preferred content, taking it LIVE is the hottest trend on social media. We have taken live streaming to a whole new level by letting you live stream in 3D. See and Experience as it happens!
The smart highlight feature allows you to close up on certain parts of the video, while streaming. Allowing you to focus on areas that you are interested in without losing the complete shot.

Stable 3D (+live view) Videos
Record shake-free 3D video with the exclusive SID Camera Kit. Attach SID and smartphone on the custom designed Gimbal and you instantly become a professional 3D content creator. See exactly what you are recording on your phone as you are recording it.

Wiggle Gram
If a still-photo is worth a thousand words, then our wiggle gram effect may be the next trend in selfie taking. We take a still-photo and make it come alive.
Immersive 3D Camera
There are regular 3D cameras and there is SID. With our best stereoscopic effect 3D recording, viewers can truly re-live and re-define the experience.

You can also adjust the parallax setting of video in the App to get different stereoscopic effects. The quality of the 3D video is amazing, just put on a VR goggle and see for yourself and become a true believer!
Attach SID to your smartphone or laptop and you instantly become the talk of town. Live stream your content in 3D and start being different!

Auto Follow
Our Auto Follow technology ensures a perfect video every time without losing sight of the STAR of the video, which is YOU!
3D Video Editing + Augmented Reality
Augmented reality is the latest trend in personalizing content. With our specialization in AR technology development, you are empowered to allow your 3D content to speak volume.

WEEVIEW App (For Android & iOS)
The exclusive SID App frees the user from all the hassles of video editing. It has streamlined the overall experience via our App interface to meet the needs of beginning, intermediate, and advance content creators.